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Wednesday, November 3, 2010Y

i've been lazy lately... *smirks*

sooo i really should start blogging more, but it's getting harder and harder. haiz... i wanted to blog about yesterday but i kinda got carried away and forgot... anyway i shall write about today then!!! :D

esther and xiao hui didn't go to school today. :( HOW COULD YOU GUYS BE SICK??? :( felt a little lonely, but didn't bother much about it. i was kinda hoping it would rain today, since i didn't wanna go to Sentosa and get wet. watching movies are much more fun. :)

anyway it was SUNNY (curse myself for praying) and we had to go to Sentosa. had this 30min break for breakfast, but stayed in class since no one actually went down to eat. ended up watching a game clara, rachel and yuan zhen played. i won't say what game, but you should now. ^^ anyway it was so funny. :)

after that we assembled at the quadrangle and went up the bus. rachel was my partner. :) i felt tired in the morning, seeing how i slept at 1am and all. i was afraid i looked weird to others outside, sleeping. if you know what i mean. :)

when we reached, we set up the games and other classes came to our 'booth' to play. i was the scorekeeper. :) easy job manz. :) sue yu and lynette were building a sandcastle (or sort of), and i helped scoop sand. well, just a little.

after that we had to go play games at the other classes' 'booth'. 1st up was 112. it was captain's ball. i was wearing slippers, but it restricted me in running, so i took them off. guess what? running was NOT a breeze at all. the sand was so rocky and hard (at that particular area only) so when i ran, it was painful and stuff. a little ticklish too. by the end of the game (which we won, mostly thanks to kwan yee), my soles were smooth from running the the sand.

next up was cherades ran by 111. actually we had to be dunked in seawater if we lost, but yun hsin asked not to be, so they let us. :) guessing was really funny. our class got mostly english words (super chim). :( but anyway, the funniest thing was when the opposing class representative was trying to act out the word, which was 'lucifer'. you know the hand moving thingy? i dunno how say lah... but it was really funny, coz she drew a box instead. :)

finally was beach volleyball by 110. we were winning at first, but in the end the 109 won us by 1 point. let me tell you something too: SUPER FREAKING HOT!!! i was already dying of heat from playing, but when i wore back my black slippers, it was even worse. :(

anyway it was wash up/ makan time, and i was prepared to change my clothes, but seeing the queue i decided against it and just washed my legs and hands. hey, i didn't play in the water, so it was ok.

then we went into 7-11, where many students were at. seeing that the drink + cup noodles cost only $2, we decided to buy it. but the problem was the super long queue. we had to wait 30min before we could even buy the food. so i drank finish my drink befroe i even reached the cashier. -_-" a lot people cut queue, no fair!!! :( 

yeah... that's about it. i left out some stuff, but they weren't really that important. :) 

my skin colour don't seemed to have darkened... but it did. like, a little. :) not very obvious though. :)

my arms are aching... shall stop for now. :)

last day of school tomorrow. WOOHOO~

9:41 PM Photobucket
Monday, October 25, 2010Y
a not so random post


i dunno why i'm here actually. a random post?

i'm currently watching horror movie factory and hello baby. YES. at the same time.

coz if you watch them one by one, it gets boring, and i will just bookmark the last ep and put it under my 'unwatched youtube videos' folder. and wait a long time before i get bored and remember that there's this folder. when i go back to watch it, some of them would have been taken down already.

haizzz... why am i telling you guys this? 

oh yes. SNSD released their latest song 'hoot' le. well just the audio but i love it still. listened too many times; now it's just stuck in my head. :)

i shall post it here then. :)

 not bad eh? hahas. :) i know. :) GRRR SMent haven't release the mv yet... :( I WANT IT NOWWW. :( i thought was yesterday, so waited up for it. sighhh... wasted my time. somehow.

di you think my tone of writing changed a little? watched too much youtube... now gonna read fanfic. hehe ^^

7:58 PM Photobucket
Friday, October 22, 2010Y
the post after a long time

WHOA. i haven't blogged in almost a month.

hahas. :) busy with the EOYs, and was a little too lazy to blog after resting for so long.

but now I'M BACK MANZ. :)

hmmm... i shouldn't blog too much. i have a minor headache now. :( xiao hui says it's because of the haze. but i think it's coz i ate that chocolate eclair and brownie cake. not that i'm hating it though. :) it tasted awesome. :D

well anyway today was pretty much a bad luck day for me. SERIOUSLY.

firstly, when i was on my way out to go to the science thingy, the sidegate was under maintainence. -_-" so i had to run to the other sidegate and walk a long distance to the other LRT station, instead of the one i was supposed to take. and when i came back home, the sidegate was fixed!!! :(

next bad thing: when i reached singapore poly, the way to the venue was kinda vague, and since SP is so big, i walked aimlessly around, without finding the actual venue. :( then i called xiao hui and she said that her dad could pick me up from wherever i am. so i told her the place and instead of that place, she told her dad that i was at the tennis court. -_-" so i had to run for who knows how long, looking like a crazy person. when i finally reached the tennis court. xiao hui just had to tell me that her dad drove her to the venue already, i would be picking me up. OMG i must have looked like a crazy person to her dad!!! so when i saw her i was ready kill her for making me run so much. (but of course i won't. you saved my life. somehow. :))

lastly, when i was going home in the LRT, i didn't hold the railings. sooo when the LRT jerked, i fell back and landed on a man's knees. -_-" EMBARRASSING. everyone was staring at me. :( 

anyway, as you can possibly tell, today IS my bad luck day. seeing that the total number of events that were bad was 3, which is my favourite and lucky number, it should prove even more.

BUT. there were good things too. like, when i was trying to open the door that said 'pull' holding a bottle of water in 1 hand and the plate of chocolate elcairs and brownies in the other with my elbows (even though it was obviously impossible), i think i looked like i was pushing it, coz this guy open the door for me and xiao hui and said 'pull open the door, not push.' i know he mesnt us good, but we couldn't help bursting into laughter silently. :)

oh ya, NEXT WEEK IS SNSD'S COMEBACK. WOOHOO!!! :D i was watching music bank when the comeback teaser for 2am was playing. so i was like 'ooo there's 2am next week? cool.' then next was SNSD's teaser and i was like 'OMG OMG OMG SNSD SNSD SNSD AHHH KILL ME SOMEBODY (even though xiao hui hates me saying that)' and was spazzing out. my brother was like 'you crazy ah?' and i was like 'YESH I'M CRAZY FOR SNSD LET'S WATCH IT AGAIN!!!' and so i did. :) stopped every second to see their faces clearly. :) i swear jessica is BEAUTIFUL. :) and ehhh yuri's hair looked a little weird curled in like that (xiao hui don't kill me).

hmmm i think i wrote a considerably long post so i'll probably end it here. if i find any nice videos to share i will. :)

ok i found the SNSD teaser. :) here it is~ 

oh ya by the way xiao hui, i couldn't change the wordings (-_-") so i sticked to the old blogskin. until i figure out how to fix it.

10:26 PM Photobucket
Monday, September 27, 2010Y
videos for xiao hui(?)

this post is actually for xiao hui. :)

ummm i can't find the video le. :( but i found a website where you can watch all of them. :)

wgm ssangchu couple episodes 

for the one where they are in Japan (with SS501!!!), it's ep 18 and 19. for the farming one (where they sprint-run in the beginning of the video and where the mc says the old people look like snsd), it's ep 24 until some other episode. :)

ohhh and here's the one where onew's hair is flying in slow-mo. :)

hahas. :) sorry, but i can't stop laughing at this. :)

anyway... gotta continue studying, or xiao hui will scold me. :)

8:53 PM Photobucket
Saturday, September 25, 2010Y
a post of funny things.

i had an interesting day today. i'll shall start with my dream. :)

so my dream began with my 2 cousins playing maple on the com, me and my brother sitting on the bed next to it doing nothing, and my other 3 cousins (whom i forgot their faces) doing something which i forgot. then this stranger comes in. i kinda forgot his face... anyway, he says "go onto the bed!" and then in my head i somehow realised he's holding us hostage. then we ask him "what you gonna do?" and he tells us he's gonna put some kinda gas on us for 50 min. then i got a bit scared and asked my brother if we will die (coz apparently, in other dream, he gotta suck some kinda gas too and he almost died). he say we probably won't, but i was still scared. then we all went to bed and lie down except for my cousin, who was still playing com. the guy ask him stop but he shouted "wait lah!" and continued playing a while more before switching off the com and lying with us. then the guy cuts my 2 of my cousins' thigh (actually more of scratch once, so it's not very serious) before coming to me. then i suddenly say "(cut us) for what? breathing ah?" (what i mean is that does giving us a cut allow out thigh to breathe) then my cousins, although cut, laughed a little. the guy says no and proceeded to cut my leg. but actually it's just like you run a scissors through your leg without getting a cut. suprisingly i can actually feel the pain!!!) i'm not sure why he does this, but anyway then he put the gas on, and we lay there still. then slowly i feel myself lying sideways instead of lying in my back, and i realised that i woke up. so i go 'oh no i wanna continue dreaming!!!' but to no avail. :(

ok i'm seriously laughing like siao now. :) i feel that it's funny. :) HOW COULD I HAVE DREAMT ABOUT SOMTHING SO HORRIFYING YET FUNNY???!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA~

moving on...

YAY i bought new earpieces!!!. :) it's the soft soft one. at first not very used to it, but now ok le. :) plus i also bought volume 3 & 4 of la corda d'ora. :) the guys in there are hot i tell you. :) 

ok this is also very funny, so you have to know this. :)

at night my cousins and i went to buy bubble tea at gek poh and bought bubble tea. after that we went to 7-11 to buy the hottis crackers. :) so we paid for them and suprisingly, the lady gave us some files. (even though we should only have gotten 2, because there was 5 of us, she was kind enough to give us 5) then we saw what the file was - the cover was wang lee hom. :) so we screamed (and i'm kinda suprised, seeing that only 1 of us was a fan of him. hahas. :)) and the lady said "there are more designs" and we screamed even more. and we took like a bunch of them. i took 3. :) and we screamed whilr running out. :) though i think the lady was intending us to exchange with her the files, but whatever. :)

thinking about it now, i wanna laugh. this is just too funny lor. who does that anyway? LOL. :)

after typing so much my shoulders ache. :( so i will end it off with a video of kim hyun joong doing aegyo (cute acts). this made me laugh so hard. :) WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO HOR!!!

i just realised this post is all bout funny things. :) hahas. :)

anyway, bye~

11:59 PM Photobucket
Friday, September 24, 2010Y
falling slowly~

suddenly remembered about the part where kim hyun joong played 'falling slowly' on the guitar to hwangbo. i said before i would show it to esther and xiao hui, but i kinda forgot... so here it is!!! :)

 kim hyun joong to hwangbo as a birthday present. he also gave her 1000+ paper cranes. (considering that his fans made some too, but it's still sweet!!!) ummm i couldn't find a video of him singing to hwangbo, coz i can't post it here, so if ou really want to see it, here it is. in the meanwhile, enjoy!!! (i know why i spazzed so hard when he played it on playful kiss. :))

9:50 PM Photobucket
this is a super long and nonsensical post.

hey hey people!!! today was quite a slack day. let me tell you what happened:
  • PCCG: Mrs Ho was talking to us about healthy relationships with the opposite sex. i wish she said boys instead of opposite sex though... it sounds a lor more appropriate for my ears. then somewhere in the middle, there was some music coming out from nowhere, but probably a classroom. it was a little scary, seeing that the classroom was a little dark and the music... anyway, i was like 'hmmm where is it coming from?' and so i thought it was from the classrooms in front, so i pointed in front. then at the same time anne and 郑老师 pointed to the back, so 郑老师 said "我们的耳朵好像都有问题" and laughed.

  • history: nothing much lah actually, Mr Mackintosh made us do a question for a long time... in which i just stared at it and started talking to yuxi. hehe ^^ after that was recess and he froze the answers on the projector for us to copy and left. then yun hsin wanted to focus it more so she touched it and it was gone. i was like 'OH NO I HAVEN'T FINISH COPYING YET' and i told jin xuan. but it turns out i copied the second part of the answer  (coz i wrote it there le, didn't want to correction tape it) and she copied (like everyone else) the first. so we had a copying exchange. :) people saw it so they started copying my answer too. :)

  • maths: well Ms teo went through the answer of the EOY 2008 and then the quiz. i got 18/20!!! :) i was so happy lor. you know, i'm not that good in maths and with a score like that i'm pretty grateful. :) and that last part of the quiz - URGH!!! minus 2 marks because i didn't half the interest... :(

  • LA: OMG. i totally messed it up lor. i thought i said too little and i wanted to go again, but everytime i wanted to, Ms Heng changed the question!!! :( then when at last i had a chance to, stupid me stuttered at the last sentence. i just had to forget that important sentence. T.T now i'll probably get a low mark and fail and die. :(

  • chinese: LOL i was so nervous. when i heard zhi yun speaking, i was like '...' coz my script is like 10 times worse than hers!!! and i think there's a curse on the index number 20 somethings. like only left 21, 23, 27 - xiao hui, me and zann. but also good lah. can change my script a bit. :)
and OMG I HAVE A CCA JACKET!!! :) but it's kinda big for me, though my mum says it fine. anyway sung jin tried to kill me for having a cca jacket and xin yu was like 'OMG OMG OMG OMG'. ok not so exaggerated but you know what i mean. :) it looks like a winter jacket to me though... but who cares? I GOT A CCA JACKET!!! :)

i know i'm psychic lor. don't know why? here are a list of evidence to show i am not lying. ^^

  1. today, i was on the bus sitting at the back seat (the one with 5 seats) and next to me were 3 empty seats and in front of me was 1. people would have obviously been sitting there if the 3 students weren't blocking the way. and to think they have a higher status than most!!! -_-" so i was pissed and complained to esther (sending an sms of course). once i sent it, i looked up and they left!!! :)
  2. then yesterday or the day before, some students were blocking the staircase (not double decker hor). i wanted to punch them so badly (LOL i'm exaggerating but i was a little angry) so i smsed esther again and then after i sent it they left!!! ^^
  3. usually, when my bus doesn't come for a long time, i would sms somebody (must be a friend, or it won't work) and say 'heyyy my bus is not here' and then i look up from my phone screen and tada~ my bus is here!!!
so it's only right to know i'm actually a very lucky person. :) i wanted to say being a sock rocker would get you seats on the bus all the time, but i think the magic kinda wore off. so i won't go into detail about it. :)

to xiao hui:

haizzz i told you go kimchi drama find it... but because i'm such a kind person, i shall teach you. ^^
  1. go to http://kimchidrama.blogspot.com/
  2. scroll down and find the show and episode you are looking for. (eg. Playful Kiss Episode 7)
  3. click on it and you will go to a page with the episode parts.
  4. DON'T WATCH THERE. or it will cut the video shorter and you will be wondering why on earth did it skip to that scene. (i realised it at ep 4. T.T)
  5. move your cursor to the video and you will see a big 'viikii' on the top right hand corner. click on it.
  6. you will go to a page with the video part. let it load first. (the vertical line on the right side of the video is the bar thingy, like the red colour one on youtube)
  7. when you finish the part, move on to the next one by clicking a box that says something like 'next part' at the right side.
detailed ba? ^^ i am such a good friend aren't i? :) hahas. :)

OMG i just realised i wrote so much nonsense. but whatever. at least you read until here right? ^^


4:23 PM Photobucket